Xplor Clubware

  • Total activity 145
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Recent activity by Xplor Clubware Recent activity Votes
  • Add a visit pass payment option

    Overview This article guides you through the process of adding a Payment option for a Fixed-term membership or an Ongoing membership.The article is divided into the following nine topics: Prerequis...

  • Manage bookings

    Overview This article guides you through the process of Booking a Member into a Session.The article is divided into the following fourteen topics: Prerequisites   Role   ScopeUse case   Class sessi...

  • Add a class (organisation level)

    Overview This article guides you through the process of adding a new Class.The article is divided into the following eight topics: Prerequisites   Role   ScopeUse caseNavigation   Organization lev...

  • Add a class (branch level)

    Overview This article guides you through the process of adding a new Class.The article is divided into the following seven topics: Prerequisites   Role   ScopeUse caseNavigation   Branch levelCrea...

  • I can't remove a waitlist from an existing class

    When you try to remove a waitlist from a class you should receive a warning that there are sessions with members still booked on the waitlist.  To turn the waitlist off, you will need to: Review a...

  • Add a manual arrival

    Overview This article describes how to create a Manual arrival for a Member.The article is divided into the following seven topics: Prerequisites   Role   ScopeUse caseNavigation   Branch levelCrea...

  • Contact tracing report

    Overview This article guides you through the process of creating a Contact tracing Report.The article is divided into the following nineteen topics: Prerequisites   Role   ScopeUse caseNavigation ...

  • Modify a class (organisation level)

    Overview This article guides you through the process of modifying an existing Class.The article is divided into the following eight topics: Prerequisites   Role   ScopeUse caseNavigation   Organis...

  • Promote a member from a waitlist to a class booking

    Overview This article guides you through the process of promoting a member from a class waitlist to a class booking.The article is divided into the following eight topics: Prerequisites   Role   S...

  • Add a waitlist to an existing class

    Overview This article guides you through the process of adding a waitlist to a existing Class.The article is divided into the following seven topics: Prerequisites   Role   ScopeUse caseNavigation...