This article guides you through the process of viewing Payment options at Branch level.
The article is divided into the following nine topics:
Use case
Branch level
Payment option search
Search for specific payment options
Remove all filters
Your Role must have the "View membership plan" Permission to view Membership plans and Payment options.
Only Published Payment options that are "Available for sale in" the Branch will be displayed.
Only the "Branch Billing Account (BBA)" and "Waive Admin fee" fields can be modified at Branch level.
For more information on Roles, click here.
For more information on Permissions, click here.
For more information about Payment options, click here.
Use case
Viewing Payment options enable you to see the:
- Payment option name
- Payment option description
- Payment option term
- Membership start date
- Promotion details
- Branches the Payment option is "Available for sale in"
- Sale term (when the Payment option can be sold to Members)
- Branch Billing Account (BBA) (determines fees charged by the Billing company)
- Administration fees, Reversal fees, Cancellation fees and Suspension fees
Payment options are viewed at Branch level:
Branch level
To view a Membership plan:
Navigate to Branch level (dark coloured menu)
Select a Branch (optional)
Click on Management
Click on Membership plans
All Membership plans that are "Available for sale in" the Branch are listed:
Click on the Membership plan you want to view Payment options for:
An overview of the Membership plan is displayed, followed by a list of the Payment options associated with the Membership plan:
Click on the three vertical dots (on the right-hand side of each Payment option)
Select Edit
Payment option search
The Payment option section can be filtered to display Payment options that meet your filter criteria.
Using the options at the top of the Payment option section you can:
Search for specific payment options
Use the search box to search for Payment options by their name:
Search for any Payment options containing a specific letter:
Search for any Payment options containing a specific word:
Remove all filters
To remove all filters, click Reset filter