This article guides you through the process of adding a Paid-in-full Term membership to a Member.
The article is divided into the following seven topics:
Use case
Branch level
Add a paid-in-full membership
Your Role must have the Manage membership Permission.
You must have a Role within the Member's Branch.
For more information on Roles, click here.
For more information on Permissions, click here.
Use case
Adding a Paid-in-full Term membership removes the or Tags from a Member.
Memberships derive from a Membership plan (a template for each Membership).
Paid-in-full Term memberships enable you to:
Take a Payment for the Membership
Record the Membership start and end date
Suspend the Membership
Memberships are added at Branch level:
Branch level
To add a Membership:
Navigate to Branch level (dark coloured menu)
Select a Branch (optional)
Click on Members
Add a paid-in-full membership
To add a Paid-in-full Membership to a Member:
Select a Member or Prospect from the Member list Note: In cases where one person is paying for another (i.e. adult paying for a partner or their children), you will add each person as a separate Member, and a separate Membership for each of them. |
Click Add in the Membership panel (top right-hand side) Alternatively: Click on Memberships (top menu) Click Add a membership |
Select a Membership (required) Note: The listed Memberships derive from the Membership plans created at Organisation level. |
Select a Payment option (required) One-off (Paid-in-full) Payment options will not show any Tags Note: The listed Payment options derive from the Membership plan. Only Payment options made available for the Branch within the same country as the Member are displayed. The selected Payment option is displayed below the drop-down box: If you make a mistake, click X to the right of the Payment option, to remove it from your selection |
Select Membership start date (defaults to today's date) Note: The Payment options Term and Membership start date are used to automatically calculate the Membership end date (the Membership end date cannot be manually set). Either enter the date manually or use the calendar icon to select a date via the calendar:
Edit the Joining fee (optional) The Joining fee is automatically populated from the selected Payment option. |
Edit the Access card fee (optional) The Access card fee is automatically populated from the selected Payment option. |
Click Add. |
Take Upfront payment from Member (required) Select Cash for cash transactions only Select EFTPOS for EFTPOS, debit card or credit card payments Note: Ensure the Upfront payment has been taken before proceeding i.e. cash has been handed over or card transaction has completed (was not declined). |
Click Paid |
The transaction will show on the membership and on the transaction list. |