This article guides you through the process of promoting a member from a class waitlist to a class booking.
The article is divided into the following eight topics:
Use case
Branch level
Cancel a booking
Promote a member from a waitlist
Your Role must have the "Manage sessions" Permission.
To add a member to a waitlist, you must have one of the above Roles within the Branch the Class will be
"Available for".
For more information on Roles, click here.
For more information on Permissions, click here.
Use case
Classes which are not online will allow permitted staff to promote members from a waitlist to a class. Waitlists enable members to register interest in fitness sessions after filling all available positions. Staff can manually remove an existing member from a session and upgrade a member on the waitlist to a class position.
Note: This function only applies to bookings cancelled manually by staff. Bookings cancelled through the Online Member Website will automatically promote the first member on the waitlist to the class session.
Members can be added to can be added at both Organisation level and Branch level.
Classes are created at Organisation level when multiple Branches require Sessions for the Class.
Classes are created at Branch level when only one Branch requires Sessions for the Class. Classes created at Branch level can later be modified at Organisation level to be "Available for" other Branches.
Branch level
To promote a member from a waitlist at Branch level:
Navigate to Branch level (dark coloured menu)
Select a Branch (optional)
Click on Calendar
Cancel a booking
To cancel a Member's Booking:
In Calendar, select the Session you want to cancel a Member's Booking |
Booked members are displayed at the bottom of the Session panel |
Click on the three vertical dots |
Click on the three vertical dots |
A prompt will show to promote a person from the waitlist to the session. |
Promote a member from a waitlist
To manually promote a member to a session:
In Calendar, select the Session you want to cancel a Member's Booking |
The session will display a banner to promote a member from the waitlist. |
Click on the waitlist menu |
Click the xx arrow to promote the member to the session from the waitlist. |
The member will appear on the bookings menu. |