This article guides you through the process of creating a Membership report.
The article is divided into the following nine topics:
Use case
Organisation level
Branch level
Generate a membership report
Viewing a report
Your Role must have the View report Permission.
Preset Roles that have this Permission are:
- Admin
- Master Franchiser
- Franchisee
- Branch Manager
- Receptionist
You must have an Admin, Master Franchiser, Franchisee, Branch Manager or Receptionist Role in the Branch(es) you wish to run the Report for.
For more information on Roles, click here.
For more information on Permissions, click here.
Use case
The Membership report enables you to list details about Memberships that have been purchased on the day you run the report.
Membership reports can be run at both Organisation level and Branch level.
At Organisation level, multiple Branches can be included in the Report.
At Branch level, only one Branch is included in the Report.
Organisation level
To run a Membership report at Organisation level:
Navigate to Organisation level (light coloured menu)
Click on Reports
Branch level
To run a Membership report at Branch level:
Navigate to Branch level (dark coloured menu)
Select a Branch (optional)
Click on Reports
Generate a membership report
Click Run |
The report will advise the date and time the report will be generated for. |
Select the Branch(es) or Branch group(s) you wish to report on (organisation level only) |
Click Generate |
Viewing a report
Once generated, the Membership Report displays the following data on-screen:
Branch - The Branch the Membership was sold in.
Member ID - A unique code used by Clubware support to identify a Member within the software.
Member First name - The Member's first name.
Member Last name - The Member's last name.
Gender - The Member's sexual gender.
Email - The Member's email address.
Mobile number - The Member's mobile number.
Date of birth - The Member's date of birth.
Last visit date - The date and time the Member last Visited the gym.
Membership name - The name of the Membership(s) the Member purchased.
Payment option name - The name of the Payment option selected by the Member
Start date - The date the Membership became active for the Member.
End date - The date the Membership ends.
Status - The status of the Membership e.g. Active, Inactive, Suspended, Overdue etc.
Joining fee - The fee charged to the Member at sign-up.
Access card fee - The fee charged to the Member for their Access card fee processing.
Billing reference - The Billing reference number provided by a Billing company for Billing Memberships.
Overdue amount - Amount of money Overdue at the time the report was run.
External payer reference - The Fitness Passport account number.
Source - Where the Member heard about the gym.
In-branch payment method - What method the Member used to pay for the Membership.
In-branch payment - What the Member paid for in-branch.
Partial payment - What Partial payment the Member paid.
Membership price - The price charged to the Member for the Membership.
Membership type - The type of Membership e.g. External payer, Term/Ongoing or Visit pass.
Payment type - Paid-in-full or Billing.
Payment frequency - How regularly the payments get charged to the Member.
Access type - The Access level granted to the Member.
Join type - Identifies a Member rejoining, or a first-time start-up.
Vaccination Status - Identifies a Member's vaccination status.
Vax Verification Date - Identifies the date a Member produced their vaccination certificate to staff.
Vax Pass Expiry Date - Identifies a Member's vaccination passport expiry date.