This article guides you through the process of filtering a Report.
The article is divided into the following 8 topics:
Use case
Organisation level
Branch level
Filtering a report
Your Role must have the View report Permission.
Preset Roles that have this Permission are:
- Admin
- Master Franchiser
- Franchisee
- Branch Manager
- Receptionist
You must have an Admin, Master Franchiser, Franchisee, Branch Manager or Receptionist Role in the Branch(es) you wish to run the Report for.
For more information on Roles, click here.
For more information on Permissions, click here.
Use case
Filtering Reports enables you to sort and select certain records for a specific report, creating more precise reporting.
Member visit Reports can be run at both Organisation level and Branch level.
At Organisation level, multiple Branches can be included in the Report.
At Branch level, only one Branch is included in the Report.
Organisation level
To run a Member visit Report at Organisation level:
Navigate to Organisation level (light coloured menu)
Click on Reports
Branch level
To run a Member visit Report at Branch level:
Navigate to Branch level (dark coloured menu)
Select a Branch (optional)
Click on Reports
Once you have run your report, you are able to perform the following functions:
Filtering a report
To view all the filter options available, use the toggle icon.
The filter menu will show, allowing you to:
- Sort Ascending - Sort A to Z
- Sort Descending - Sort Z to A
- Return all results - Clear Filter
- Apply text or custom filters - Text Filters
- Search for a key item - Search
When the Text Filters is used, a secondary menu appears with the options to search by a Custom Filter
Enter the details you wish to search for. In this case, we are looking for all members whose names are Stella or Andrew.
Note: To remove a filter, select Clear Filter: