This article describes how Classes and Sessions are defined in Clubware.
The article is divided into the following twelve topics:
What is a class
Organisation level
Branch level
Branch level
Types of sessions
Group fitness class sessions
Ad-hoc class sessions
Personal training sessions
Administrative sessions
What is a class
A Class is a Group Fitness activity that Members can Book into (either online or in-house).
Group Fitness Classes are made from two parts:
- Classes
- Sessions
Classes define the Group Fitness activities taken at each Branch:
Note: Classes can be created at both Organisation level and Branch level.
Classes created at Branch level are also displayed at Organisation level.
Classes created at Organisation level are also displayed at Branch level if the Class is Available for that Branch.
At Organisation level, you can modify which Branches a Class is Available for regardless of where it was created.
At Branch level, you can only modify a Class if your Role has a Scope across all of the Branches the Class is Available for.
Tip: More information can be found here:
Add a class (organisation level)
Add a class (branch level)
Modify a class (organisation level)
Modify a class (branch level)
Classes are added or modified via the Class list at Organisation level or Branch level:
Organisation level
To view the Class list at Organisation level:
Navigate to Organisation view (light coloured menu)
Click on Management
Select Classes
All Organisation level and Branch level Classes that are "Available for" Branches within your Role's Scope are listed:
Each Class contains the following information:
- The name of the Class
- A description of the Class
- The image and colour associated with the Class
- Which Branches can create Sessions for the Class
- How many Members can attend the Class
- If the Class can be Booked online or not
Branch level
To view the Class list at Branch level:
Navigate to Branch view (dark coloured menu)
Select a Branch
Click on Management
Select Classes
All Organisation level and Branch level Classes that are "Available for" the selected Branch are listed:
Each Class contains the following information:
- The name of the Class
- A description of the Class
- The image and colour associated with the Class
- Which Branches can create Sessions for the Class
- How many Members can attend the Class
- If the Class can be Booked online or not
Sessions provide a place to manage Bookings for a Class:
Sessions enable you to schedule:
- When the Classes are run
- The duration of each Class e.g. 1 hour, 30 minutes etc
- The instructor taking the Class
- The maximum capacity of the Class
- Each Session can be set to repeat at the same time weekly
Tip: More information can be found here:
Sessions are added, modified or removed via the Calendar within Branch level:
Branch level
To view Sessions:
Navigate to Branch view (dark coloured menu)
Select a Branch (optional)
Click on Calendar
All Class sessions, Ad-hok Class sessions, Personal Training sessions and Administrative sessions are displayed:
Hover over a Session to view the Session bar at the bottom of the screen:
Click on a Session to Book Members into the Session.
The following information is displayed:
- the Max capacity (how many Members can attend the Session)
- the date the Session runs (Personal Training session, Administrative session or Class session)
- the time of the Session (Personal Training session, Administrative session or Class session)
- the Instructor (Staff member taking the Session)
- the Location (location of the Session within the gym)
- any Equipment used in the Session
- a list of Members who have Booked the Session
Tip: More information can be found here:
Types of sessions
Sessions are grouped into four categories:
Group fitness class sessions
Classes that are regularly run at a gym e.g. Earlybird, Bootcamp, Crossfit, Zumba, Yoga and Pilates
Note: Group Fitness Class sessions require a Class to be set up first.
- Class session colours are derived from the Class
- displays the number of Members Booked / Maximum capacity
- indicates the Session is available online
- indicates the Session is repeated weekly
Tip: More information can be found here:
Ad-hoc class sessions
A Class created on the fly e.g. A special one-off Class.
Note: Ad-hoc Class sessions do not require a Class to be set up.
- Ad-hoc Class sessions colour is always black
- displays the number of Members Booked / Maximum capacity
- they cannot be Booked online
- indicates the Session is repeated weekly
Tip: More information can be found here:
Personal training sessions
Personal Training sessions or one-on-one training.
Note: Personal Training sessions do not require a Class to be set up.
- Personal Training sessions colour is always black
- displays the number of Members Booked / Maximum capacity
The Maximum capacity is usually set to one, as Personal Training sessions are usually one-on-ones - they cannot be Booked online
- indicates the Session is repeated weekly
Tip: More information can be found here:
Administrative sessions
Meetings, appointments, reminders or tasks for Staff members.
Note: Administrative sessions do not require a Class to be set up.
- Administrative sessions colour is always black
- displays the number of Members Booked / Maximum capacity
Maximum capacity is not usually set, therefore only the Booked Members are displayed - they cannot be Booked online
- indicates the Session is repeated weekly
Tip: More information can be found here: