The following instructions are completed by the 18+ Member paying for the Membership.
The article is divided into the following nine topics:
Use case
Branch level
Launch the payment setup page
Step one - membership summary
Step two - personal details
Member details
Billing details
Step three - payment details
Use case
Once a Membership has been added to a Member, the Member must complete a Payment setup page to finalise the onboarding process.
The Payment setup page enables the Member to apply for automatic payments via a Direct debit request (DDR) with the Billing company. All direct debit Memberships purchased (online and in-house) must submit this form to complete the Membership sign-up process.
The Payment setup page is launched at Branch level:
Branch level
To launch a Membership Payment setup page:
Navigate to Branch level (dark coloured menu)
Select a Branch (optional)
Click on Members
Launch the payment setup page
To launch a Membership Payment setup page:
Select a Member that has a Membership In progress |
Click Memberships (top menu) |
Select the Membership |
At the top of the Membership details page, a QR code and link is displayed: The QR code can be scanned by either the gym's tablet or the Member's mobile phone to present the Payment setup page for this Membership. The tablet or mobile phone can then be used by the Member to complete the four-step Direct debit request (DDR) process. Alternatively, click on the link to display the Payment setup page on your own computer or click Copy link and paste it into an email or social media message to send to the Member Note: Once a Payment setup page has been completed, it can not be amended. To correct any incorrect details submitted, you will need to cancel the Direct-debit request (DDR) with the Billing company, then re-add the Membership to the Member and complete a new Payment setup page. If you attempt to re-enter the Payment setup page of a Membership after it has already been completed, you will receive the following message: If you attempt to enter another Direct-debit Membership (therefore create another Direct-debit request) for the same Member while an existing Direct-debit request is still being approved by the Billing company, you will receive the following message: |
Step one - membership summary
The Member should review the Membership summary to ensure the contract details are correct: The Member should confirm:
Click Next Note: At any stage of the process, the Member can go back a step by clicking the back arrow |
Step two - personal details
Member details
The Member details collect who will be using the Membership (required)
If the Member is signing up in-house (in the gym), this information will be auto-completed. They will not be able to edit the First name, Last name, or Country fields.
If the Member is signing up online, this information will need to be manually entered by the Member. This information will be used to create their Member details within Clubware. They will not be able to edit the Country field.
The Member should review their First name and Last name to ensure the contract details are correct Note: If the name is incorrect, the gym Staff member should close the Payment setup page, correct the Member's name in the Member profile screen, then scan the QR code again to re-launch the Payment setup page. |
Enter First name (required) Note: This field is not editable when adding a Membership in-house, as the details are derived from the Member's profile. |
Enter Last name (required) Note: This field is not editable when adding a Membership in-house, as the details are derived from the Member's profile. |
Enter Date of birth (required) Either enter the date manually or use the calendar icon to select a date via the calendar.
Select Gender (required) |
Enter Email (required) |
The phone number Country determines the phone number format required: Note: The phone number Country field is not editable, as it is derived from the Membership plan. |
Enter Phone number (required) New Zealand: Number must begin with zero |
The address Country determines the address format required: Note: The address Country field is not editable, as it is derived from the Membership plan. |
Enter Address (required) Each country has a different address format: New Zealand (required fields) Australia (required fields) India (required fields) Singapore (required fields) |
Enter the Full name of your Emergency contact (required)
Select the Country the Emergency contact resides (required) |
Enter the Phone number of the Emergency contact (required) |
Billing details
The Billing details collect who will be paying for the Membership (required)
The required fields are auto-populated from the Member details by default. These can be overwritten unless you tick Same as Member details
Billing details must always contain details of the 18+ person paying for the Membership.
e.g If an adult is signing up a minor or wants to pay for their partner, the paying adult's details should be placed in the Billing details.
If the person paying for the Membership is the same person using the Membership, click Same as member details, otherwise enter the Billing details as instructed below: |
Enter First name (required) |
Enter Last name (required) |
Enter Date of birth (required) Either enter the date manually or use the calendar icon to select a date via the calendar.
Enter Email (required) |
Enter Drivers license number (optional) |
The Billing address Country determines the address format required: Note: The Billing address Country field is not editable, as it is derived from the Membership plan. |
Enter Billing address (required) Each country has a different address format: New Zealand (required fields) Australia (required fields) India (required fields) Singapore (required fields) |
The phone number Country determines the phone number format required: Note: The phone number Country field is not editable, as it is derived from the Membership plan. |
Enter Phone number (required) New Zealand: Number must begin with zero |
Click Next Note: At any stage of the process, the Member can go back a step by clicking the back arrow |
Step three - payment details
The Member must provide their Credit card or Bank account details to use for payment: Note: The accepted credit cards (e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex) are set per Branch and can be altered by contacting your Billing company. Note: The bank account name must not exceed 32 characters. You must confirm that you have authority over the bank account or credit card: Note: The Pay button is disabled until both the bank account/credit card authority is confirmed and the Terms & Conditions are accepted. |
You must accept the Terms & Conditions (required) Click on the Terms and conditions link: The Terms & Conditions are displayed: Scroll to the bottom of the Terms & Conditions panel and select the tickbox confirming you have read and agreed to the Terms & Conditions: Below is a final declaration panel: Scroll to the bottom of the Final declaration panel and select the tickbox confirming you warrant, declare and acknowledge all areas of the Payment setup page Note: The Accept button is disabled until you click on the tickbox to confirm you have read and agreed to the Terms & Conditions. Click Accept The Terms & Conditions will now appear green: |
The Member is provided with a breakdown of their First payment which includes:
The Member is shown what Recurring payments to expect each Billing cycle along with what day the Billing cycle is, how frequent it occurs, and when the next Recurring payment will be deducted: |
Click Pay Note: At any stage of the process, the Member can go back a step by clicking the back arrow |