This article describes the attributes of a Staff member.
The article is divided into the following eighteen topics:
What is a staff member
Staff member list
Organisation level
Mobile number
Kebab menu
Branch level
Mobile number
Kebab menu
Staff member search
Search by name
Staff member profile
What is a staff member
A Staff member is a person that:
- works for the Organisation and requires access to Clubware (e.g. reception staff)
- does not need access to Clubware but needs to be Booked to run Class sessions (e.g. group fitness trainers) or Personal Training sessions (e.g. PT instructors)
- does not work for the Organisation but requires access to the gym via an Access card (e.g. cleaners)
Tip: More information can be found here:
Add a staff member (branch level)
Modify a staff member (branch level)
Remove a staff member (branch level)
Add a staff member (organisation level)
Modify a staff member (organisation level)
Remove a staff member (organisation level)
Staff member list
Staff member lists display the Staff members within your organisation and can be viewed at both Organisation level and Branch level.
Organisation level
Staff members with multiple Branch access can be added to the Organisation level (light coloured menu) Staff member list.
At Organisation level, Staff members assigned to "Work for" any Branches you have a Role and Scope across are displayed. At Organisation level, you can assign Staff members to "Work for" multiple Branches.
To view Staff members at Organisation level:
Navigate to Organisation level (light coloured menu)
Click on Staff
All Staff members that "Work for" the Branches you have a Role and Scope across are displayed in the Staff member list:
Each Staff member is listed with the following information:
The name of the Staff member.
Tip: Names and emails can be searched for
Mobile number
The Mobile or Phone number of the Staff member.
Indicates whether or not the Staff member is available to be Booked for Class sessions and Personal Training sessions.
Staff member Tags indicate one of two conditions:
- | No-tag indicates the Staff member is currently active | |
Deactivated indicates the Staff member has been locked out of Clubware manually. Staff members cannot be deleted, but can be Deactivated should they no longer work for the gym. |
Kebab menu
The Kebab menu is a Contextual menu that allows you to perform other functions from the Staff member list such as Deactivating a Staff member.
Branch level
Staff members with single Branch access can be added to the Branch level (dark coloured menu) Staff member list.
At Branch level, Staff members assigned to "Work for" the Branch are displayed. At Branch level, you can only assign Staff members to "Work for" the Branch you are currently viewing.
To view Staff members at Branch level:
Navigate to Branch level (dark coloured menu)
Select a Branch (optional)
Click on Staff
All Staff members that "Work for" the Branch are displayed in the Staff member list:
Each Staff member is listed with the following information:
The name and email address of the Staff member.
Tip: Names and emails can be searched for
Mobile number
The Mobile or Phone number of the Staff member.
Indicates whether or not the Staff member is available to be Booked for Class sessions and Personal Training sessions.
Staff member Tags indicate one of two conditions:
- | No-tag indicates the Staff member is currently active | |
Deactivated indicates the Staff member has been locked out of Clubware manually. Staff members cannot be deleted, but can be Deactivated should they no longer work for the gym. |
Kebab menu
The Kebab menu is a Contextual menu that allows you to perform other functions from the Staff member list such as Deactivating a Staff member.
Staff member search
At the top of the Staff members list, a search bar enables you to find a specific Staff member in the list.
Searches are not case sensitive, and are automatically initiated after 2 seconds of no keyboard activity, or when you hit the enter key.
Search by name
Staff members can be searched using first name and/or last name, or partial first name and/or last name (first and last names are separated by a space) e.g. to find a Staff member by the name of "Emma Brunton":
You could type "e" to list all Staff Members with a first name or last name containing the letter "e":
or you could type "emma" to list all Saff Members with a first name or last name beginning with "emma":
Note: A partial search must be the beginning letters in the first name or last name. e.g.
A search for "mma" will not give results for first name "emma": A search for "ton" will not give results for last name "brunton": |
A search for "emm" will give results for first name "emma":
A search for "bru" will give results for last name "brunton":
or you could type "e b" to list all Saff Members with a first name beginning with the letter "e" and last name beginning with the letter "b":
or you could type a partial first name and partial last name (separated by a space) e.g. "emm br" to list all Saff Members with a first name beginning with "emm" and last name beginning with "br":
Note: A partial search must be the beginning letters in the first name or last name. e.g.
A search for "mma br" will not give results for "emma brunton": A search for "emm ton" will not give results for "emma brunton": |
A search for "emm br" will give results for "emma brunton":
A search for "emm bru" will give results for "emma brunton":
Staff member profile
Click on any Staff member in the Staff member list to open the Staff member's profile.
Each Staff member profile contains the following information:
- the Staff member's photo
- the Staff member's name
- the Staff member's date of birth
- the Staff member's gender
- the Staff member's contact details (email, home address, mobile phone)
- the Staff member's username (login for Clubware)
- the Staff member's Security groups (what they can access in Clubware)
- the Branches the Staff member Works for (which Branch Staff lists they appear in)
- the Staff member's Access card details (access to the gym)
- the Staff member's availability for Sessions (availability to be booked for Classes or PT)
The Overview section (default) provides vital information about the Staff member:
The Overview section enables you to:
- edit personal details
- change the Staff member's photo
- modify Security groups (Roles and Permissions)
- configure Access card details
- reset password
- deactivate the Staff member