This article describes the attributes of a Membership.
The article is divided into the following seventeen topics:
What is a membership
Membership plans
View a membership
Organisation level
Branch level
Start/End dates
Membership list
Membership details
Term memberships
Ongoing memberships
Term/Ongoing memberships
Visit passes
External payer memberships
What is a membership
When a Member signs up for a gym subscription, a copy of the Membership plan (master template) accompanied by the Member's preferred Payment option is created and assigned to the Member. This is what we call a Membership.
Note: Members can have more than one Active Membership.
Membership plans
Before a Membership can be added to a Member, a Membership plan (master template) must be created.
Membership plans are created at Organisation level:
Click on Management:
Click on Membership plans:
Tip: More information can be found here:
Memberships are added at Branch level:
Click on Members:
Click on Memberships:
Note: Memberships can be added in-branch by Staff members or online by Members.
Tip: More information can be found here:
Add a paid-in-full membership (in-branch)
Add a direct-debit membership (in-branch)
Add a direct-debit membership (online)
View a membership
Each Member's active and past Memberships can be viewed at both Organisation level or Branch level:
Organisation level
To view Memberships at Organisation level:
Navigate to Organisation level (light coloured menu)
Click on Members
Select a Member
You are taken to Branch level displaying the Branch the Member "Belongs to"
Click on Memberships
Branch level
To view Memberships at Branch level:
Navigate to Branch level (dark coloured menu)
Select a Branch (optional)
Click on Members
Select a Member
Click on Memberships
Membership list
The Membership section lists all current and past Memberships the Member has purchased:
Memberships contain the following information:
- the Membership name
- the Membership type
- the Membership Start date
- the Membership End date
- the state of the Membership displayed as Tags
The name of the Membership.
This is derived from the Membership plan (master template).
The Membership type displays one of three things:
Term/Ongoing |
Term/Ongoing indicates the Membership is one of three types:
Visit pass |
Visit pass indicates the Membership provides a set amount of Visits to the gym. Each time the Member Visits the gym, a Visit is removed from their Visit pass. It is recommended an End date is set on Visit passes so that Members use all of their Visits within a set period of time. |
External payer |
External payer indicates the Membership is paid by a company/corporation. Members provide either a Fitness Passport or CareTrac number which they obtain from their employer. This number is attached to their Membership. The gym keeps track of the Fitness Passport or CareTrac numbers belonging to Members that Visited the gym, then submits them to Fitness Passport or CareTrac on a regular basis to receive payment. |
Start date
The Start date indicates when the Membership started.
By default, the Start date is set to the date you add the Membership, but can be set to a date in the past or future.
End date
The End date indicates when the Term (or Minimum-term) is reached.
The End date is automatically calculated as Membership Start date + Membership Term (duration)
For Term memberships, the End date is when the Membership ends.
For Ongoing Memberships, no End date is displayed until the Member cancels their Membership.
For Term/Ongoing Memberships, the End date represents the Minimum-term. The Membership will continue after this date until the Member cancels their Membership.
The Membership Tags indicate one of four conditions:
- |
No-tag indicates the Membership is currently active |
In progress indicates the Membership is awaiting completion of a contract for direct debit authority (Billing Memberships only) |
Expired indicates the prospective Member failed to complete a contract for direct debit authority. The direct debit authority must be completed prior to midnight the day the Member applied for the Membership. (Billing Memberships only) |
Ended indicates the Membership has been cancelled by the Member or a Staff member, or the Membership End date has been reached |
The Kebab menu is a contextual menu that allows you to perform other functions such as add a free period, change the type of Membership, end the Membership or Suspend the Membership.
Note: The Kebab menu is only displayed on Active Memberships.
The options displayed in the Kebab menu vary depending on the type of Membership.
Membership details
To view the Membership details:
Click on any Membership (past or present)
Term memberships
Term memberships are usually used for Members who want to pay for their gym Membership upfront (paid in full). They pay in advance for a fixed amount of time, therefore an End date must be set. When the End date is reached, the Member will need to make another payment to continue gym access. All paid in full Memberships will be term Memberships.
Term memberships will always:
- display an End date (in the End date field)
- display Term/Ongoing (in the Type field)
- display the length of the Membership (in the Term field)
Ongoing memberships
Ongoing memberships are used for Members who want an open-ended Membership with no Minimum-term. It gives Members the opportunity to leave whenever they want. As there is no End date, Ongoing memberships should be used for direct-debit payment methods only.
Ongoing memberships will always:
- display no End date (in the End date field)
- display Term/Ongoing (in the Type field)
- display Ongoing Tag and No fixed term (in the Term field)
Term/Ongoing memberships
Term/Ongoing memberships provide an open-ended Membership with a Minimum-term. They give Members the opportunity to leave whenever they want, however they are contracted to pay for a set minimum amount of time. As there is no End date, Term/Ongoing memberships should be used for direct debit payment methods only.
Term/Ongoing memberships will always:
- display no End date (in the End date field)
- display Term/Ongoing (in the Type field)
- display Ongoing Tag and the Minimum-term of the Membership (in the Term field)
Visit passes
Visit passes enable Members to purchase a set amount of Visits upfront (paid in full). Each time they Visit the gym, a Visit is removed from their Visit pass. Once all Visits have been removed, they will need to renew their Membership. It is recommended an End date is set on Visit passes so that Members use all of their Visits within a set period of time.
Visit passes will always:
- display the number of Visits granted, and the number of Visits left
- display Visit pass (in the Type field)
External payer memberships
External payer memberships enable companies/corporations to pay for their staff's gym Memberships. The company/corporation pays for the Member's gym Visits via Fitness Passport or CareTrac. Each External payer Member has a unique Fitness Passport or CareTrac reference number that can be used in multiple gyms. Each gym tracks how many Visits the Member makes and sends this information to Fitness Passport or CareTrac to receive payment for the Member's Visits. External payer memberships are usually open-ended with no Fixed-term but can be set with a Fixed-term or Minimum-term if preferable.
External payer will always:
- display an External payer reference number
- display External payer (in the Type field)
- display Free (in the Payment field)