This article describes the attributes of Membership plans.
The article is divided into the following fifteen topics:
What is a membership plan
Organisation level
Branch level
Membership plan details
Number of visits
Membership plan search
Search for specific membership plans
Filter by branch
Filter by country
Filter by type
Remove all filters
What is a membership plan
When a Member signs up for a gym subscription, a Membership is assigned to the Member. The Membership is cloned from a Membership plan (master template) and the desired Payment option (method of Payment).
All Memberships derive from the gym's Membership plans.
Each Membership plan can offer multiple Payment options.
Membership plans are usually created by Head office staff or gym owners/managers, therefore, are created at Organisation level.
Tip: More information can be found here:
Add a term/ongoing membership plan
Add an external payer membership plan
Add a visit pass membership plan
Membership plans are created and managed at Organisation level, but can also be viewed at
Branch level:
Organisation level
To create, view or modify Membership plans:
Navigate to the Organisation view (light coloured menu)
Click on Management
Select Membership plans
All Membership plans that contain at least one Payment option within a Branch you have a Role and Scope across are displayed:
Branch level
To view Membership plans at Branch level:
Navigate to Branch level (dark coloured menu)
Select a Branch (optional)
Click on Management
Select Membership plans
All Membership plans that contain at least one Payment option within the Branch you are viewing are displayed:
Membership plan details
Membership plans contain the following information:
- the Membership name
- the Country the Membership is available in
- a description of the Membership
- the gym Access granted to Members that have this Membership (Access control)
- the Membership type (Visit pass, Term/Ongoing or External payer)
- the number of Visits the Membership grants (Visit pass only)
Name and description of the Membership.
The description is used to better describe to your Staff members what the Membership includes.
Tip: Avoid using names and descriptions that include the Term duration (e.g. Gym Membership for 12 Months) as the Memberships can have multiple Payment options, each with a different Term duration.
The Membership type displays one of three types of Membership:
Term/Ongoing |
Term/Ongoing indicates the Membership is one of three types:
Visit Pass |
Visit pass indicates the Membership provides a set amount of Visits to the gym. Each time the Member Visits the gym, a Visit is removed from their Visit pass. It is recommended an End date is set on Visit passes so that Members use all of their Visits within a set period of time. |
External Payer |
External payer indicates the Membership is paid by a company/corporation. Members provide either a Fitness Passport or CareTrac number which they obtain from their employer. This number is attached to their Membership. The gym keeps track of the Fitness Passport or CareTrac numbers belonging to Members that Visited the gym, then submits them to Fitness Passport or CareTrac on a regular basis to receive Payment. |
The Country determines which currency and taxation will be used for the Membership plan.
Note: Payment options for each Membership plan are only available to Branches within the same Country as the Membership plan.
If you have Branches in multiple countries, you will need to duplicate your Membership plans for each country.
Number of visits
The Number of Visits displays how many Visits the Membership provides a Member (Visit passes only).
Membership plan search
The Membership plan section can be filtered to display Memberships that meet your filter criteria.
Using the options at the top of the Membership plan section you can:
Search for specific membership plans
Use the search box to search for Membership plans by their name:
Search for any Membership plan containing a specific letter:
Search for any Membership plan containing a specific word:
Filter by branch
Filter Membership plans that have at least one Payment option in a specific Branch:
Multiple Branches can be selected:
To remove a Branch from your selection, click X to the right of the Branch:
Filter by country
Filter Membership plans by the Country they are assigned to:
Multiple Countries can be selected:
Filter by type
Filter Membership plan by their Membership type:
Multiple Membership types can be selected:
Remove all filters
To remove all filters, click Reset filter